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Winner are not scared of hardships, they think differently. Think like a winner. The most fascinating thing about life is you can change it whenever you want. it's never too late or too early to start, you need to make up your mind...
Your most precious asset is your time. Guard it zealously, use it carefully, share it judiciously, value it the most highly and give it to someone who really appreciates it.
Winning is about having the right mindset. Surround yourself with people who think big and dream big and who have achieved big. Their attitude will rub off on you too and you will find yourself changing.
Don't take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from. The easiest thing to do is to criticize, anyone can do it and most fools do it, You don't have to change your plans...
‘To succeed in life you need two things ignorance & confidence’- Mark Twain Ask any entrepreneur and he or she will tell you how true this is.
Focus - the one trait that beats talent. A focused, persistent and consistent outlook can take an average person way furtehr than a talented individual who lacks docus and consistency.
The one learning that I took with me to 2023 is - nothing, absolutely nothing is permanent- except one thing - My attitude.
You are never too big, too famous, too old or too successful to need a mentor. In fact the more successful you become the more you realize the need for a mentor. When you have someone who can guide you, give you honest feedback your winning journey becomes more enjoyable.
Every down is a chance to do something new, a chance to start once again, a chance to dream once again and work towards that dream...
The best plan in the world is pretty much useless, unless you actually put it into practice. We have numerious ideas...
Managers set targets, fix goals and do their best to make everyone achieve those goals. So what do leaders do differently? Leaders understand, Leaders listen. They don't want you to listen rather they want to listen to you and know you...
Team work is important. But what does it take to make a winning team? The most important factor is 'psychological safty'...
The 10 minute hack to increase your productivity !!! What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Today is all we have, everything else is just our thoughts. You keep doing your best. You keep doing what you believe in, Be proud of yourself. That is all that matters. Winners are first and foremost 'believes'...
Where you are today is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. This is the season of faith and belief...
There is no reason to look back when you have so much to look forward to. The past can’t be changed but the future is as bright as you want it to be...
Eveyday is a chance to get better. Don't waste it. Don't waste your today. Just start now..
Never judge the future of a person by his Present condition because time is very powerfull...
It is never too late to dream a new dream or set a new goal. Start today. Falguni Nayar was 50 when she started Nykaa...
A man who built an empire with the help of a mouse after being cheated of his first cartoon character, after going bankrupt, after being criticised...
Are you so worried about what others will think that you are ready to sacrifice your growth for it?...
The most powerful thing is hope. Fear makes you a prisoner and hope sets you free. Winners don't fear failure, they ...
The one word that can change the way we look at things, we do things is - 'Together'...
If there is on message that you need to never forget is this - talent is not what makes winner, it is persistence that makes the ordinary become extraordinary..
Your competitions are your treasures because you can learn so much from someone who is as good as good as you ...
Make mistakes and learn from them. If you don't even make mistakes you can rarely make anything out of life...
Your skill at dealing with people and how good you are at understanding people determines your success. Only when you know how to talk to people will enable you become a master at handling them...
This week NWT shares few vital aspects of organizational employee boost...
A Theory that we believe in a simple way where we respectfully recall Sir Newton, for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction...
People from different walks of life associating at one melting pot called organization. The real plateau where we mingle for a successful common goal.
The NWT Placement Saga further continues... This week with our new name Mr. Kartik Chaudhary who got placed with Deloitte as SD Associate Consultant where he scored 75% in SD Suite 4 HANA...
Hey world, recall our Newsletter dated 6th August 2022 where we passionately foreseen the accomplishment precipitating and have NWT proudly announce the student member being leaped off the learniing ground...
NWT mid year monsoon placements had gone on smooth sailing by letting really exposed to MNC's...
Communication is a key in delivering any message with clarity. A SAP consultant gives tasks with effective communication skills because he is time bound and the efficiency of the work increases multifold...
SAP an ERP to know in the most easy way! SAP is your Home! Let's consider your home as SAP now the different aspects/modules of SAP as different department or people of our family.
SAP is the ERP of the Present and Future an ERP which has taken over the world like a storm.
Looking upto the job opportunities, we are confused, and wandering, "What if i get rejected?" Job seekers are afraid of getting rejected rather than upskilling.
Every Morning the 11am meet, where a complete flashback of achievement, statistics and celebrating wins with team along with strategies to uplift...
When you make an active decision in your life, that is personal growth and development. The journey again has a lot of ups and downs which are directing one's life towards learning and finally there happens growth.
NWT is driven by 15 years of experience in the IT Industry, Mr. Parag Ghumare. His, Journey, dedication, and faith are backed by his experience in the ERP with his...
To propagate the youth towards the world's fastest-growing program SAP which would certainly help the individual and the nation to grow fast and precisely...